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Want To Advertise On SL Model Case?

Weekly Rate: $500L, renewed weekly
Monthly Rate: $1200L per month
All ads are placed permanently and are visible on all pages. After each post your advertisement will be seen.  Weekly ads are placed on the site within 24 hours of your payment, and removed seven days after. 
To advertise, submit your 460X60 ad with your name, store name, and url  and payment to Jennaa Loire. Upon receiving payment, you ad will be placed within 24 hours.
I reserve the right to publish and advertise only sites of which fit into our target market. All information submitted here will be kept personal, and comments will never be published.  SL Home Lifestyle is in no way affiliated with Second Life c/o Linden Lab. 
Should you have any questions about anything please do not hesitate to send an email to thanks so much.

☆ Dates For SL Model Case ☆