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Sunday, March 14, 2010

My Precious Model Search - March!

My Precious Model Group is supported by Alienbear's Design one of the top jewelry designers in SL and Entre Mares,

(1) You could send us an application if you :
--have good attitudes and are willing to learn and practice
--have flexible work schedule (our shows are' mostly' held at 11a.m. and 4p.m.)
--have a good selection of nice hair and skins (makeup)

(2) Submit a FOLDER including THREE pictures (1024x1024) with full permissions:
Picture 1: Close-up .
Picture 2: Full body snapshot in any gowns of My Precious .
Picture 3: Full body snapshot in any short dresses, cocktail dresses, casual items of My Precious.

Notecard: Please briefly let us know if you have any modelling experience and training background.

Send the folder to Agnes Finney. Rename the folder as “Spring Model Search + your full name” (Please stick to our format, or your entry might be ignored)

The same sets of pictures can be used to join the March Royal Princess Selection.
The folder should be sent to Agnes Finney. It's always helpful if you send an IM about the delivery. A reply will be given to you when we receive your applications.

(3) More details will be available at the Mainstore (Taxi)

(4) A casting will be held on 27th March 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. Please reserve 31st March in case SL has issues). You may reconsider your application if you are not available at the casting and our regular show time specified above. We will send you a notecard to confirm the casting time after the deadline.

(5) Contact: Agnes Finney directly with a notecard with title. ‘New Note’ notecards will be discarded.

Good luck everyone!


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☆ Dates For SL Model Case ☆