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Friday, April 30, 2010

GIA announces partnership with Rezzed TV - Broadcasting fashion news together --

In the photo (from left to right): Stuart Warf (Rezzed TV Founder/Owner), HoneyBear Lilliehook (GIA COO), Patty Cortes (GIA CEO), Seth Diabolito (GIA Male Fashion Expert)

         GIA announces partnership with Rezzed TV
        -- Broadcasting fashion news together --

GLANCE International Agency (GIA), SL's premier fashion marketing and public relations agency announced today that it teams up with Rezzed.TV to produce its very own fashion audio and video podcasts.

Stuart Warf's company, a rising force in the virtual television scene, approached GIA, which has been known for putting together unique fashion productions for over a year. After discussions, GIA will now broadcast regular fashion-centric TV and talk shows through Rezzed.TV (

CATWALK TV is the first fashion production, to be aired on May 1st. This runway show will be taped live, presenting a unique runway show stage. Staging over two sims, the show will be commented in voice on the sim reserved to GIA & Rezzed.TV staff while the audience will be able to enjoy the show from the comfort of Glance sim, with text comments.

CATWALK TV will be hosted by HoneyBear Lilliehook, GIA Chief Operations Officer and veteran SL supermodel. Fashion industry top brands are represented in this first episode: the garments of Bliss Couture by Amutey DeCuir, Indyra Originals by Indyra Seigo, and Son!a by Sonia28 Jie will be complemented with Exodi skins by Ryker Beck and Earthstones jewelry designed by Abraxxa Anatine.

CATWALK TV will offer a real-life like fashion show experience and be available for those who miss it on Rezzed TV website afterwards (

GIA is excited to embrace this new venture and proud to work with the talented minds at Rezzed.TV.

Join us for our first ever taped fashion show this coming Saturday, May 1st at 1 PM SLT on Glance sim.

When: Saturday, May 1, 2010 at 1:00 PM SLT
Where: TAXI


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