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Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Haute Coiffure and Matching Makeup

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For all of you models, wanabe models, designers, and event managers, we're going to look today at what makes a true fashion show feel. You have your perfect location, your glossy runway, your stunning designs and your top models ready? Have a closer look... What are you missing? If your fashion show is like 95% of SL fashion shows, what you're missing is hair and skins. A nicely detailed skin and well designed classic hairdo just works great for photoshoots, but we're talking about fashion shows. We're talking about a very special moment when you want to sublimate the designer's work. That's why you're using the top models, remember? Do you recall watching a real show and thinking "wow! That's not a hairdo, that's a work of art! And this makeup!!!!"?
Well, 3636 hair and the new Shapes by Kira skin line are what you need! All you have to do no is match the hair with the perfect makeup.

1. 3636 Ari hair/Shapes by Kira Morgan skin.

2. 3636 Lala hair/Shapes by Kira Sienna skin.

3. 3636 Katiuska hair/Shapes by Kira Cherry skin.

4. 3636 Lila hair/Shapes by Kira Suzette skin.

5. 3636 Athena hair/Shapes by Kira Emma skin.


Shapes by Kira:


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